Choosing the ring without her knowing

If you have a significant other in your life and have made the decision to purchase a ring for her as a surprise, there are some tips to keep in mind so that you “get it right” — so that you purchase a ring that really were suit her tastes and desires.

First, you will want to pay attention to the type of jewelry that your partner currently is wearing.  The type of precious metal and gemstones she favors will give you a clear indication as to what she appreciates when it comes to rings.

Second, you can visit with her family members and friends to see what insight or input they might have in regard to purchasing a ring for your significant other.

Third, if your beloved is not a regularly jewelry wearer you may want to focus your attention on selecting a cathedral or contour setting for a ring for her.  Such a ring setting is versatile and durable.

Choosing the right diamond
Finally, in the end, if you really cannot glean enough information to make a decision, you might casually want to drop into a jewelry store with your significant other and observe which items catch her attention when it comes rings and their designs.